About Us
The Lake Colby Association, Inc. (LCA) is a not-for-profit 501(c)4 New York membership corporation representing residential, commercial, and governmental interests on Lake Colby in the Town of Harrietstown, Franklin County, New York. Lake Colby is in the uppermost reaches of the Lake Champlain network, feeding Lower Saranac Lake, and hence the Saranac River. The Association is a partner in the Lake Champlain Basin Program .
Full membership is open to shoreowners, businesses, and governmental agencies who own property within 300 feet of Lake Colby. Associate memberships are open to tenants and families of shoreowners who visit the Lake at least one week per year. Any other interested parties can join as non-voting members.
Dues are $35 per year for residential members and associate members, $100 for businesses, and free to government agencies. Volunteers help with the Adirondack Lake Assessments Program (ALAP) monitoring program, water testing programs, milfoil harvesting program and by serving on LCA's elected board.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting takes place on the second Friday in August. Officers are elected at the annual meeting. Special meetings can be called by the President or Secretary at any time. Follow this link to see the minutes of our last meeting.
Nancy R. Keet, President, 518 891-0210, nancy@lakecolby.org
Debbie Neill, Secretary, 518 891-1272, debbie@lakecolby.org
Lee Keet, Treasurer, 518 261 6608, lee@lakecolby.org
Board of Directors
Sylvia Getman, sgetman@adirondackhealth.org
Jim Moore. moorejivan@msn.com
Lee Keet, Lee@LakeColby.org
EIN: 75-3074896
Contact Information
Postal address: P.O. Box 934, Saranac Lake, New York 12983
Electronic mail: info@LakeColby.org
Webmaster: webmaster@LakeColby.org
Site last updated August 8,2021